Slide Virtual CISO

DataPoint Solutions, offers top-tier security expert service to organizations that do not have a position or role to this within their organizational structure. The vCISO capability allows your company/organization the benefits of our security expertise and our team of security experts, who have more than 30 years knowledge and experience. We will guide you in building information security programs that work FOR, and WITH, your business objectives. We help you achieve and show measurable improvements in your organization’s security posture as a whole.


Every good virtual CISO program must start with a risk assessment. To better understand where to focus moving forward, we must first understand the current state of your security program.


Once the risk assessment is completed, you will get remediation suggestions from the vCISO, who will be there every step of the way to help you tackle them. After remediation is complete, we reassess, help present findings to executive leadership, and repeat the steps as necessary.

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